James and Katy's Wedding


Our Notes To You

Dearest friends, please write your alcohol preference on the RSVP form. There will be playroom and nannies for your kids so you can enjoy youself. If you are able to stay until the end of the event, that will make us very happy.

Buat Temen-temen tersayang, acara ini adalah rangkaian acara ceremony yang dilanjutkan dengan sunset drinks and seat-in dinner dan entertainment. Kalau kalian bisa stay sampai acara selesai, itu akan membuat kami bahagia sekali.

Thank you!

Wedding Gifts

Please don’t feel obliged to bring gifts (we can’t carry them all the way to Singapore, anyway). Your willingness to attend this party is already a very valuable gift!

However, there will be a donation box for anyone who would like to make a contribution to our honeymoon.

Kalian tidak perlu bawa wedding gifts (kami tidak bisa bawa banyak barang sewaktu kembali ke Singapura), tetapi akan ada kotak untuk amplop.

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